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Claudia Marshel, LCSW


Claudia Marshel has worked in the Richmond area for over 25 years in a variety of settings. Her primary focus has been on improving the likelihood that children have the best chance for successful relationships by helping their families provide the care and nurturing they need. Her work has included early intervention programs for at-risk parents, their babies and pre-school age children which focused on helping parents and their children develop healthy attachments. In addition, Ms. Marshel has provided Mental Health Consultation to Head Start programs, intensive in-home services to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families, and outpatient therapy to children and their parents. In particular, Ms. Marshel has focused on providing services to help parents of children with attachment problems understand the child’s experience and learn new ways to interact with their children to promote a secure and healthy attachment with the parents.  Ms. Marshel has worked with foster families, adoptive families, birth families, multi-generation families, and single parent families. She has extensive experience collaborating with the multiple community agencies and services with which many of her clients are involved.


Ms. Marshel received her B.A. from Louisiana State University and her Master of Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University.  She is a certified Circle of Security® therapist.



Attachment Evaluation

Parent-Child Intervention

Marschak Interaction Method



Degrees and Certifications


Master of Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University


Circle of Security Certification

Office Hours


      Monday + Tuesday  8:30-6:00

Thursday 12:30-5:30




Anthem, Cigna, Magellan, MHNet, Optima, UBH/Optum, Virginia Premier


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